Wednesday 7 January 2015

#notakaki : Sway - Kat Spears

Sway aka Jesse Alderman is a well known person in Wakefield High School.

Everybody can count on Jesse to get things done from the sloppiest student, Andrew to the principle Mr Burke but... with a price.

To them as long as things get done in which ever manner Jesse think suitable and confidential, they'll pay the price.

For Jesse, when they pay him, they unwittingly bound themselves to him as he held the most precious weapon - their secrets.

To Jesse, commodities like fake IDs, buying dopes or term papers, pass through like water but informations hold value that commodities don't. It can be use to his own benefits. It can make or break people.

When Ken Foster, captain of football team, hires Jesse to help him to win Bridget Smalley with a price, he agreed.

Jesse followed and monitored Bridget daily routine for 2 weeks. They became friends. He knew almost everything about her - what matters her most, what question she will ask, what she want in a friendship and relationship. Jesse told Ken about it and taught Ken what he should do.

Jesse also met Bridget's younger brother, Pete who is differently abled person with celebral palsy. They became closed friend and it made Ken suspicious.

Things get complicated when Jesse let his emotion get in the way. Even though he has feelings for her, he couldn't betray Ken because both of them held secret that will destroy each other.

What will Bridget and Pete do when they know the truth?

Can a friendship or relations based on farce last long?

Things got worst when his feeling for Bridget knocked some senses to make him walk out from his present life but he has to pay them with a price....

Because they also have what Jesse has....



Nothing good or bad,
only thinking makes it so.


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Alhamdulillah I finished this book. Actually this is a very simple book. Very simple English written. I believed this is one of ...